Şirketlere Özel

Process Engineer Mülakatları


P&G - Process Engineer Mülakat Deneyimi

Zorluk Seviyesi Görüşme ve Süreç Sonuç
Zorluydu Olumlu Deneyim Teklif Yapılmadı

Mülakat Tarihi: Mayıs 2018
Toplam Süreç: 15 Gün

Zorlu bir mülakat aşaması oldu. ilk mülakat kolaydı ancak ikincisi zordu.

Mülakat Soruları (1)

Tell me about yourself

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Mülakat Detayları

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P&G - Process Engineer Mülakat Deneyimi

Zorluk Seviyesi Görüşme ve Süreç Sonuç
Zorluydu Olumlu Deneyim Teklif Yapılmadı

Mülakat Tarihi: Eylül 2013
Toplam Süreç: 45 Gün

İşte size o meşhur mülakat soruları:
1. Give an example about a time when you (sorted through complex set of data), weighed risks & rewards of various options before making a recommendation on a course of action.
2. Give an example about a time when others used you as a resource because of your expertise?
3. Can you think of a time when you thought ‘there has to be a better way of doing this’ and you came up with an improvement to an existing idea or process that made it significantly better?
4. Provide an example about a time when you had to be more flexible than usual because of a change that was going on around you. Describe this situation. How did you handle the situation?
5. Give an example about a time when you had to balance many competing priorities and did so successfully.
Could you tell more about how you manage to handle with both situations?
6. Tell me about a time when you couldn’t solve a long-standing problem until you gained input from third party.
7. Tell me about a time you were able to develop and maintain productive relations with others even though they may have had differing points of view.
8. Provide an example about a time when you were able to step into a group, take charge, get support, and bring about excellent results.
9. Give an example about a time when you made a special effort to help someone learn to be more effective.

Mülakat Soruları (1)

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Mülakat Detayları

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